Spatial intelligence
Whether identifying areas with a high risk of future deforestation or with greater value for conservation or restoration,
landscape modeling and monitoring enables an analysis using chemical, physical-chemical, biological and physical parameters integrated in different environmental matrices. The main product of IIS in this line is PLANGEA - a multi-criteria optimization algorithm that identifies priority areas for restoring natural landscapes, covering all converted natural areas and the main types of ecosystems. This unprecedented tool was used to map priority areas for the restoration of the Atlantic Forest and for the restoration of the five largest types of native vegetation on a global scale, using three criteria: (i) maximizing the benefits for the conservation of biodiversity by increasing habitat areas available for wildlife; (ii) maximizing the benefits for mitigating climate change, through projections for carbon sequestration arising from the recovery of native vegetation, and (iii) minimizing possible conflicts with agriculture, seeking areas with lower value of current agricultural production.
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