Publications > Report


Impact Report 2022

With contributions from various publications and products developed by researchers from IIS, this document is a follow-up to the previous years’ impact report (found here). It summarizes the progress made towards delivering outcomes and impact from the TRADE Hub in 2022. To achieve this, material from the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) system of the Hub, contributions from researchers around the world, and material collected during workshops and results delivered throughout the year were utilized. The report comprises four sections:

  • Driving transformative change.
  • Achieving impact in six outcome areas.
  • Mechanisms to achieve impact.
  • A brief overview of ongoing work on a roadmap for fair and sustainable trade.

During 2023 and 2024, the Hub will consolidate the work into a core set of impactful products and legacy materials integrated into sustainable processes and organizational changes.

Related collaborators (7)

Related Partners (8)

Forestry and Agricultural Management and Certification Institute (Imaflora) The Brazilian Center of Analysis and Planning (Cebrap) Trade, development & the Envirionment Hub UNEP/WCMC University of Cambridge University of York World Agroforestry Centre World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)