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IIS starts experiments with biochar

The International Institute initiated, in November 2014, experiments with biochar. The production of biochar consists in the pyrolysis (decomposition by the action of heat) of biomass waste in sealed furnaces. The final product, rich in carbon, may result in fertile soil and contribute to the reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases.

The IIS experiments seeks to analyse the relation of this soil rich in carbon with corn and beans crops, pastures and native tree species. The Institute also investigates socioeconomic aspects of biochar, based on research with farmers and simplified life cycle analysis.

The experiments are conducted in partnership with Embrapa Agrobiology and Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, with the support of Norad.

See below some pictures of IIS experiments at Embrapa Agrobiology, in Seropédica / RJ (Photo credits: Agnieszka Latawiec)