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IIS brings together national and international experts in International Workshop on Restoration and Water
In the face of the global efforts to restore native vegetation, it is crucial to understand the role played by restoration in water resources supply. Between May 14 and 16, 2018, the International Institute for Sustainability (IIS) organized and held the ‘International Workshop on Restoration and Water’, which discussed methodologies to indicate priority areas for restoration aiming to improve water quality and quantity.
Attendees and lecturers included: Dr. David Ellison (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences), Dr. Solange Filoso (University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science – UMCES; and National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center – SESYNC), Dr. Andrian Vogl (Stanford University and natural Capital Project), Dr. Pedro Brancalion, Dr. Paula Meli, and Dr. Miguel Cooper (Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture – ESALQ), Daniel Rodriguez (Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute for Graduate Studies and Research in Engineering – COPPE/UFRJ), Dr. Sin Chan Chou (National Institute for Space Research – INPE), Dr. Aliny Pires (Brazilian Foundation for Sustainable Development – FBDS), Dr. Vinicius Farjalla (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ), Dr. Alvaro Iribarrem (IIS), MSc. Katarzyna Korys (IIS), and MSc. Isabella Leite (IIS).
Organizers: Dr. Bernardo Strassburg (IIS and Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro – PUC-Rio), Dr. Agnieszka Latawiek (IIS and Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro – PUC-Rio), Dr. Fabio Scarano (FBDS and UFRJ), and MSc. Viviane Dib (IIS and UFRJ).