About IIS

The International Institute for Sustainability (IIS) is a Brazilian private non-profit organisation whose mission is to develop transformative solutions for a sustainable world, based on Science and other forms of knowledge.

We promote positive impact on public policies, business models, and decision-making alongside governments, companies, multilateral organisations, and civil society.

We differentiate ourselves by having a highly qualified team, working nationally and internationally with an extensive network of partners, and democratising access to Science in solutions that generate public goods.

Our values are:

We are a science-based organisation and value the education, training, and continuous learning of our team members. We prioritise the quality of our deliverables.

We believe that complex problems can only be solved through cooperation and transdisciplinarity. Therefore, we always develop solutions as a team.

We are driven by the purpose of delivering solutions to the challenges of sustainable development..

We are not affiliated with any institution, party, or individuals, ensuring our freedom of opinion, thought, and work.

We adapt our solutions to the demands of our partners and are flexible in our approach and execution.

To develop transformative solutions for a sustainable world, we provide the following services:

Spatial Intelligence for Nature Conservation and Restoration
We develop spatial methods and models that indicate priorities for action, considering different criteria such as carbon sequestration potential, biodiversity conservation, its contribution to people's lives, and economic costs.

Modeling and Valuation of Natural Capital
We work with ecosystem services modeling and environmental valuation in different contexts, such as proposing Nature-Based Solutions for climate change mitigation and adaptation, defining indicators for measuring and monitoring biodiversity, and formulating/evaluating net-zero and nature-positive strategies.

Sustainable Soil Management
We generate solutions based on Soil Sciences, such as the use of biochar, to optimize land use and enhance agricultural and ecosystem restoration benefits. We translate this knowledge in support of a circular and low-carbon economy.

Value Chains of Socio-biodiversity
We work on the development of production systems and sustainable use of biodiversity, solutions for payment for environmental services, and other arrangements aimed at income generation, focusing on bioeconomy and socio-biodiversity value chains.

Field Implementation of Solutions
We implement and refine actions for integrated management of rural properties and landscapes, including nature conservation and restoration projects. We support and collaborate with local partners and extensionists in training and environmental education actions.

Land Use Modeling
We create spatially explicit models to understand and predict how territories can be used. We analyse agricultural patterns, urbanization, nature conservation, and other activities. These models assist in decision-making for urban planning, environmental management, and sustainable development at different scales.

Support for the Development and Improvement of Public Policies
We work directly with governments, from local to international scale, and businesses in providing technical and organizational support for policy development. We conduct analyses of the policy cycle, generate supportive studies for decision-making, carry out mapping and engagement of stakeholders.

We are part of the Global Challenges Research Fund's Trade and Environment Center,

funded by the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) of the UK Research and Innovation Agency (UKRI) and led by the UN's World Conservation Monitoring Center Environment (WCMC).

We are part of the Naturemap Earth Initiative

alongside the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), and the United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC), with financial support from the Norway International Climate Initiative (NICFI)

We participate in and provide support to

the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and Climate Change (UNFCCC)

We participate in the development of the new report of

the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES).

Internal collaborators

High-level leadership (2)

Technical Leadership (2)

Project Management Office (PMO) (5)

Restoration and Biodiversity Conservation Team (5)

Research and Development team (4)

Spatial Modeling and Geoprocessing Team (5)

Communication Team (2)

Administrative and Financial Team (3)

External collaborators (2)

Partners (104)

Agroicone Aliança pela Restauração da Amazônia Amigos da Terra - Amazônia Brasileira Associação de Agricultores Biológicos do Estado Rio Janeiro (ABIO) Associação de Agricultores do Fojo (AFOJO) Associação Mico-Leão-Dourado (AMLD) Atlantic Forest Trail (CMA) AXA Research Fund Banco Alemão de Desenvolvimento Banco Mundial Bosh Foundation Brazilian Biodiversity Fund (Funbio) Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) Centro de Ciências da Conservação e Sustentabilidade do Rio (CSRio) Columbia University Conservation International Convention on Biological Diversity Ecosystem Restoration Embrapa Acre Embrapa Agrobiology Embrapa Soils Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa) Ernst & Young (EY) Escola Superior de Agricultura FBDS Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety of Federal Republic of Germany Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ) Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Florestas do Amanhã Florida State University Forest Ecosystem Restoration Initiative Forestry and Agricultural Management and Certification Institute (Imaflora) Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz) Fundo Brasileiro para Biodiversidade (FUNBIO) Fundo da Mata Atlântica (FMA) GEF GIZ Global Environment Fund Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Guapiaçu Ecological Reserve (REGUA) IIASA Instituto Clima e Sociedade (iCS) Instituto estadual do ambiente (inea) Instituto Socioambiental (ISA) International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro (JBRJ) Laboratory of Vertebrates of the Biology Institute of UFRJ (LabVert) Land Innovation Fund (LIF) Ministério do Meio Ambiente - Governo Federal (MMA) Ministério do Meio Ambiente e Mudança do Clima (MMA) National Wildlife Federation (NWF) Natural Capital Project Natural History Museum Nature Map Newton Fund Advanced Fellowship NGI Norway's International Climate and Forest Initiative Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation Opole University Opole University of Technology Pact for the Restoration of the Atlantic Forest Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) Prefeitura de Cachoeiras de Macacu Prefeitura de Guapimirim Prefeitura de Magé Projeto Biodiversidade e Mudanças Climáticas na Mata Atlântica re.green Renova Foundation Salesforce Santa Fe Institute Secretaria de Estado do Ambiente e Sustentabilidade (SEAS) Secretaria de Meio Ambiente e Sustentabilidade do Estado do Pará (Semas l Pará) Secretaria do Meio Ambiente do Estado de São Paulo - SMA/SP SPRING Stanford University State University of Santa Catarina (UDESC) Stockholm Environment Institute Swiss Re Foundation logo Swiss Re Institute SYSTEMIQ The Brazilian Center of Analysis and Planning (Cebrap) The Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) The Nature Conservancy (TNC) The University of Arizona Trade, development & the Envirionment Hub UCL UKRI unep logo UNEP/WCMC United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) University College London University of Agriculture in Kraków University of Cambridge University of Connecticut University of East Anglia University of Queensland University of Wisconsin (UW) University of York USP Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Brazil logo World Agroforestry Centre World Resources Institute (WRI) World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) ZSL (Zoological Society of London) Institute of Zoology